We are looking
for volunteers for the following committees. Current
volunteers are listed. If you would like to volunteer,
please send an email to board@heritageestatesHOA.org
with your name, phone number and the name of the committee
you are interested in and the
board will add you to the list. It will be up to those that
volunteer to coordinate meeting times and activities.
Sale Committee
- Plan and coordinate neighborhood garage
Current Volunteers:
Jennifer Bayer
Vicky Scholze
Carole Smathers
All time is voluntary, and
every little bit helps!
If you have an idea for
another committee, have questions about the above
committees, or you would like to volunteer to help on one of
the above committees, please send an email to board@heritageestatesHOA.org
or mail your interest to:
Heritage Estates Homeowners Association
c/o Rj Community Management 300 Perry Highway Building 1
Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15229