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Speed Limits - PLEASE remember that the speed limit in neighborhood is 25 MPH! This neighborhood is full of children playing. Several neighbors have spotted younger drivers driving very fast through the neighborhood. Please remind your children to follow the speed limit in the neighborhood!

UPDATE! The board contacted the municipality regarding this issue and on 4/5/06 they have installed "Watch Children" signs throughout the neighborhood!

Neighborhood Directory - If you would like to be included in the neighborhood directory, please email the board at board@heritageestatesHOA.org and include your name, address, phone number and email address (email is optional). . You will then be automatically notified with web updates.
Dog Issues - The board would like to kindly remind the homeowners to PLEASE respect your neighbors and refrain from allowing your dog(s) to bark constantly outside. There have been some complaints about dogs barking outside at all hours of the day and night. Some of this noise is originating from a house on Logan Ferry Road, and therefore is an issue the board is not able to address. Other dog barking issues, however, are originating from within this neighborhood. There have been notices of dogs barking as late as 3:00AM. Some dog barking is, of course, unavoidable and understandable. However, incessant or consistent barking is a nuisance and should be avoided when at all possible. Animals that are causing a nuisance to the surrounding neighbors are also in violation of the covenants. MORE Dog issues - The board would also like to remind everyone who walks their dog that the common areas are not appropriate places for your animals to use as their toilet. Many people in the plan volunteered their time to clean up the common areas and unfortunately, parts of it are again being filled with litter and dog droppings. Please clean up after yourselves and your animals.


Litter Issues - Please do not litter on the common area or on the streets in the neighborhood. We would like to keep the neighborhood clean!

Heritage Square Notice #1 - Please be advised that the Heritage Square neighborhood is PRIVATE PROPERTY. It is at their discretion as to whether or not to allow activity in their plan....this includes walking dogs, riding bikes, etc... The Heritage Estates and the Heritage Square boards met and we are pleased to tell you that the members of the Heritage Square board are very kind and in general, do not have an issue with the Heritage Estates Homeowners using their roads to walk.

Dogs, however, may not be permitted, and if they are, should be picked up after. At NO TIME should a property owner in Heritage Square feel threatened by the behavior of a Heritage Estates Homeowner. There have been reports of Heritage Estates homeowners behaving rudely and aggressively towards some Heritage Square homeowners. The Heritage Estates Board would like to ask all homeowners to please refrain from this kind of behavior.

Currently, the Heritage Square board is still allowing us to be on their property at their discretion. However, If they do feel that there are safety, liability, or disrespectful behavior issues, then they will ask the offending person(s) to leave their property. It is completely within their rights to do so. Please remember that the Heritage Square neighbors did NOT choose to have their property private, but the Municipality would not take over the roads. Therefore, the Heritage Square homeowners have incurred all of the cost associated with the maintenance and insurance of the roads. Therefore, bike riding, scooter riding, skateboarding, etc... cannot be allowed due to liability issues. If there are any questions about this, please feel free to contact the Heritage Estates Board at board@heritageestatesHOA.org

Heritage Square Notice #2 - Please be aware of the property line between Heritage Estates and Heritage Square. The homes on Harvest Drive that border Heritage Square should be aware that if you cut the grass into the property owned by Heritage Square, this does not convey ownership in any way. The property will remain Heritage Square property, and additionally, no permanent structures can be placed on the property owned by Heritage Square. Pet Owners - The board would like to remind all pet owners to observe all Municipal Pet Ordinances, and as a matter of courtesy to fellow Homeowners, particularly the children, not allow their pets to use the common areas, empty lots, etc. throughout the plan as a litter box. In addition, please also remember that your pets should not become a nuisance to any homeowner via dogs barking, pets roaming in others' yards, etc...

IMPORTANT Common Area Announcement - Please be advised that effective immediately, Common Facilities are not to be maintained, landscaped, disturbed, etc. in any manner whatsoever by Unit Owners. Common Facilities cannot be considered an extension of one�s property and if at all possible, common facilities should not be disturbed in any manner. If your property abuts the common area, the board is advising you to know where your property ends and the common area begins, and to not mow the grass or otherwise landscape, clear, or use the common area property as your own. Walking through the common area is allowed as the common area is owned by all homeowners in the plan. This is an IMPORTANT announcement that benefits all homeowner association homeowners.


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